ocr: HP Eile View Opuons Her mailbot Bringing up the first 2"this month gp" messages: 131.txtl Sun Noy2199717:46 GP and recursion: To: gencticprogramming@cs.stanford.cdu Sun Nov161997 21:18 EUroGP98 * Second CFP To: genetic-programmingecs.stant George >>> last month? mailbot: 8"last month gp" messages found Specifywhich. E31 Notepad BaX George Fes Edit Search Fep Subject: GP and recursion Silmesseges 10830kbytes Dates Sun, 02 Nou 1997 17:52:19 +OUU0 Frons Bill Langdon KW.B.Langdon@cs.bham.ac.uk> To: genetic-programmingacs.stanford.edu A quick troll through the online: computer science bibl10t Dttp: ...